Rotary principles have been developed throughout time to give Rotarians a purpose and a strong common direction. They are the foundation of our relationships with others and of the actions we take in the world.
Rotary goals
Rotary’s main goal is to encourage and promote the service above self as the basis of a worthy enterprise but, in particular, to encourage and promote:
- Developing one’s knowledge for the service above self;
- High moral standards in business, recognizing the merits of all useful occupations and highlighting each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
- The idea of the service above self into the life of every Rotarian;
- International understanding, goodwill and peace through a fellowship of business leaders and professionals, united by the ideal of the service above self.
The 4-Way Test
The 4-Way Test is an ethic guide Rotarian use in all their relationships, both in their personal and their professional lives. The test has been translated into more than 100 languages and Rotarians re-read it at clubs’ meetings.
„Dintre lucrurile pe care le gândim, spunem sau facem:
- Is it the TRUTH?
- Is it FAIR to all concerned?
- Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?”
5 Avenues of Service
In Rotary, there are 5 Avenues of Service through which we can serve society and our communities and that are the foundation of club activity:
Club Service
Focuses on making clubs stronger. A thriving club is anchored by strong relationships and an active membership development plan.
Vocational Service
Calls on every Rotarian to work with integrity and contribute their expertise to the problems and needs of society
Community Service
Encourages every Rotarian to find ways to improve the quality of life for people in their communities and to serve the public interest.
International Service
Exemplifies our global reach in promoting peace and understanding. We support this service avenue by sponsoring or volunteering on international projects, seeking partners abroad, and more.
Youth Service
Recognizes the importance of empowering youth and young professionals through leadership development programs such as Rotaract, Interact, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, and Rotary Youth Exchange.