Rotary – a United Nation doing good in the world
Dear friends,
This is my first newsletter as the 20th Governor of our district and I must admit that I am extremely happy and excited. I feel very honored for this once-in-a-lifetime privilege to serve above myself the District and you, the ones who take out of your time to make a difference in the communities you serve.
I often meet people who ask me what Rotary is. My answer is simple: people of action. Rotary is made of leaders from different fields who meet, exchange ideas and act upon them. Facts, not just promises. People who do things that have a great impact, that create change in their communities.
But there is something that unites us, something that is at the foundation of what we are doing. As President Mark Maloney said, Rotary is an organisation of individuals united by a common goal, by a connection that lies in the midst of the Rotary experience. Indeed, Rotary allows us to connect to one another in profound, significant ways, especially through our differences. It connects us randomly with people we would have never had the chance to meet if it had not been for Rotary. It connects us to our communities, to professional opportunities and to the ones who need our help the most. This connection is friendship, Rotary’s engine, the engine that helps communities thrive, the engine of human, social and economical development. Friendship brings people together and it unites them towards the same goal. No one can change the world by themselves, the force of individual efforts, as Paul Harris said, knows no limit. It’s a simple, but very powerful truth that lies at the foundation of my entire activity.
I’m starting my year as Governor full of gratitude for your support, for the trust you put in me, I am hopeful and I trust that together we can create sustainable change. Change begins in the mentality we have, and then it spreads to the actions we take, becoming a constant, a harmony between mind and action. I have always believed that durable change comes from ourselves, from each and every one of us, from the bottom to the top. As such, I have named my governance program for the year 2019-2020 “Rotary Plantează ACUM” (Rotary is Planting NOW). The launch of the program took place on the 6th of July in Oradea. My dear friends attended the event, as well as the famous Dumitru Prunariu, the first and only Romanian astronaut, a Rotary member himself. He talked about the moments when he saw our planet from above for the first time. Such a view changes one forever, and Dumitru confessed that that was the moment he felt very strongly the need to protect this planet, its atmosphere, its soil, its underground, its waters. For him, Rotary was the place that allowed him to create change ACUM (NOW). I am very pleased that people like Dumitru, people who see the bigger picture, are joining our organisation and that they understand our common goal, inspiring entire generations to be the change that they want to see in the world ACUM (NOW).
Sincerely Yours,
Marian Neagoe
District Governor 2241, Romania si Republica Moldova
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