Being a Rotary member changed my life

Dear friend,

Has your life quality improved since you decided to join your club?

Rotary is dedicating the whole month of August to membership.

Take a short break and think about how being a member of this organization has changed your life. Friends, social projects, problems solved, saved lives, family, holidays and unforgettable parties, learning, personal growth, interesting people…?

For me, these are only a few of the ways Rotary has changed my life. And because I’ve studied Medicine, I cannot help but tell you that it has been scientifically proven that the service above self has benefits on the self as well. I can confirm that offering my time, my knowledge, my energy and my attention to those who need it makes me feel better, it is great for the soul. But that is not the only thing that is good for the soul.

Aside from developing projects that solve the problems of our communities, Rotary offers us access to a global community of leaders of different fields, by simply wearing the pin, the symbol of integrity, correctness and moral quality.

This organization offers us the possibility to meet new different, interesting people coming from different fields, who are extremely talented and along whom we start this road of the service above self, of personal development, of friendship and of the perfect organized medium to create durable change.

Think about the impact your projects have had so far and now multiply the results by 10. It is time we had greater goals, it’s time to grow our even more. Why? Because we have proven so many times that WE REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

The only obstacle is the limit in your mind. As such, I’m inviting you to think big, to change your mentality and objectives, to try harder, as much in your professional as in your personal life. This is the only way we can make progress: to think and act bigger in our lives. Plant 1000 trees, not 100. Save 200 children with heart problems, not 100. Support 50 gifted children, not 10. And 100 next year. Why? Because we can and we have to.

To grow our impact, we need more people who believe in our dreams, in the real durable change that we can create together through efficient projects. People who have the same values, who understand the benefits of being a Rotary member and who should be offered:

  • a place to nourish their leadership and professional skills
  • a way to connect to other leaders who change the world
  • a place for business networking
  • a place for mentoring
  • the opportunity to offer their expert opinion and their artistic or professional talents
  • international fellowships on different fields.

Before we invite leaders from outside of the organization to join us, I believe it is more important to ask the members of the Rotaract clubs if they want to join our clubs or if they want a new club of their own. An international study made among Rotaract members suggest that they would like to find real friendship in the Rotary clubs, more networking, efficient projects, inclusive culture, a cozy atmosphere, openness to change, passion, open-minded people, creative solutions, flexibility, focused planning, simplicity and mentoring. This last aspect is one of our fortes and through it we can support the next generation in their transformation into leaders who create long-lasting change in their communities. I have already started adding all our mentoring seminars (links down below) where our members, all 3500 friends, can find information on leadership, communication, fundraising, conflict prevention and membership.

And now I would like to address the ladies. Humanity is at a defining moment when women are liberated from centuries of oppression and are lifting the whole society. As women gain rights, families flourish; it is the same with the society and the economy. Women not only birth the world, they uplift it. Melinda Gates captures all this in her book, “The Moment of Lift,” a book I recommend to understand the magnitude of gender equality. As the father of two daughters, both members of this organization, I am very pleased that I can offerem them, through Rotary, the perfect place for personal growth, for the development of empathy, humanity, leadership and a place based on friendship and sound values. I wish we had gender equality in Rotary, and for that I’m going to need your support. Think about all the women you admire, from whom you can learn, who could lead an entire generation of women and teens. Or women who simply want to contribute to solving the problems their communities are facing. Invite them to be part of an organization that can help them make this world a better place. This is what you do best!

Aside from the youth and women, we want diversity in our clubs, and diversity is something we can build not only in what concerns our members, but in what concerns our club functions too. From satellite clubs, independent or e-clubs, to different ways of making our weekly meetings more interesting; we can think of new more flexible ways to organize our clubs for those leaders who do not resonate with the current model.

To grow Rotary means to receive the new generation of leaders to strengthen and multiply the bonds we have around the globe, to become a nation of connected individuals, to grow the impact of our actions, to make remarkable changes.


Sincerely Yours,

Marian Neagoe

District Governor 2241, Romania si Republica Moldova


I invite you to follow me and what I am doing on my social media:

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TRAININGS (In Romanian)

Training-uri Membership

Training-uri Leadership

Training-uri Fundraising

Training-uri Imagine Publica

Training-uri Fundatia Rotary


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