“I want our young people to know that they matter, that they belong. So don’t be afraid — you hear me, young people? Don’t be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful. Be empowered. Empower yourselves with a good education, then get out there and use that education to build a country worthy of your boundless promise. Lead by example with hope, never fear.”
Michelle Obama
Our Youth Are Tomorrow’s Leaders
Our youth are tomorrow’s leaders, the ones who can bring the change we have all been dreaming of. Our youth must rediscover that they have a voice, they are powerful and that they can express their passions with enthusiasm and dedication. Fear has always been one of the most powerful feelings we developed in the Romanian school and the education system has proven time and time again that it was failing, that is why it is so important to take action and to profoundly change our vision regarding our future.
Rotary is constantly investing time, expertise and resources in education, to make sure that our future is in good hands. We believe nothing is possible without education.
What Do We Do about It?
We offer scholarships to young people with potential, because we understand that access to education can sometimes be very difficult. Rotary is helping these young people build an environment where they can reach their potential and where they can understand the importance of our values.

We offer education programs for teachers, because change must happen made from the inside.
The place where the educational process takes place is very important, which is why we invest in equipping schools. The limitations in the Romanian schools are diverse and innumerable, sometimes even shocking, but we make constant efforts to overcome these material limitations. That is why Rotary has many projects that focus on providing the necessary equipment for young people to receive a proper education.

Education is the Future
Rotary has projects on every branch of education, because we can fundamentally change this process so important for our society only if we take action. Our goal is to give our youth the necessary tools to change the future for the better. Education is NOW the most powerful tool we can use against corruption, against evil and injustice and for sustainable economic growth. NOW we must do our utmost to make sure our future is in good hands.
Through our project Give Us Our Daily Book (Cartea Noastră cea din toate zilele) we manage, year after year, to capitalize on the potential of hundreds of young people in Romania.
In addition to the scholarships and the Rotary Mentoring programs offered, in Oradea there are 2 education projects that are related to the Health area as well – Clean Hands, Healthy Children and Toilets by the Book, both projects belong to the Oradea Rotary Club 1113. The first project focuses on the health of the children in schools and it involves educating them on hygiene. Hygiene saves lives. Our volunteers go from school to school and do a seminar for the children, showing them how to properly wash their hands, so as to avoid getting sick, but also so they can learn how to use water as a limited resource. The “Toilets by the Book” project aims to solve the problem of the inappropriate sanitary groups that are available to students from dozens of schools in the county, offering them modern hygienic-sanitary conditions.
Volunteering actions
We are glad to see that the spirit of volunteering and generosity grows in the educated Romanian society. It is something that we believe very strongly in and that all Rotarians actively contribute to, along with other volunteering organizations. We want to continue to attract people, friends, who are going to contribute actively to the improvement of the life of their community.